Faculty and Staff Directory
Phone: 610-372-4721
Name Email Department Room Phone/Ext. Mailbox
Bahar Diken, PhD bdiken@regaloteas.com COMMUNICATIONS, ARTS AND HUMANITIES - Faculty Y 111 5035 56
Barbara Mutzel bmutzel@regaloteas.com SOCIAL SCIENCES/HUMAN SERVICES - FOUNDATIONAL STUDIES - Administrative Specialist B 500 5021 40
Barbara Bell bbell@regaloteas.com ACADEMIC AFFAIRS - Teaching and Learning Center - Instructional Designer B 114 5054 13
Benjamin Dunst bdunst@regaloteas.com ADMISSIONS & ENROLLMENT SERVICES - Admissions Counselor - High School Specialist B 124 5101 37
Benjamin Rosenberger brosenberger@regaloteas.com FINANCIAL AID & RECORDS - Director of Financial Aid/Registrar B 106 6225/5110 34
Benjamin Dube bdube@regaloteas.com STEM DIVISION - Adjunct Faculty B 311 4196 40
Bethany Bower bbower@regaloteas.com SOCIAL SCIENCES/HUMAN SERVICES - Adjunct Faculty B 311 4333 40
Bette Keeny bkeeny@regaloteas.com BUSINESS DIVISION - Faculty B 601 5174 30
Bianca Santiago bsantiago@regaloteas.com ADVISING & RETENTION - Administrative Specialist - Student Success Center B 209 5236 24
Bonnie Rosenblatt brosenblatt@regaloteas.com STEM DIVISION - Adjunct Faculty B 311 4144 40
Bonnie Brunner bbrunner@regaloteas.com FINANCIAL AID & RECORDS - Student Records Quality Control Coordinator B 107 5466 34
Brandon Shoemaker bshoemaker@regaloteas.com WORKFORCE - Machine Tool Technology - Adjunct Instructor T 106 5311 15
Brandy Neider bneider@regaloteas.com SOCIAL SCIENCES/HUMAN SERVICES - Adjunct Faculty B 311 4212 40
Brenda Creasy bcreasy@regaloteas.com FOUNDATION - Scholarship Coordinator B 309 5026 33
Brenda Miller bmiller@regaloteas.com BUSINESS DIVISION - Adjunct Faculty B 311 4361 30
Brenda Essig bessig@regaloteas.com FOUNDATIONAL STUDIES - Adjunct Faculty B 311 4334 40
Brenda Gonzales bgonzales@regaloteas.com CASHIER'S OFFICE - Cashiering Supervisor B 107 5132 43
Brenna J. Corbit bcorbit@regaloteas.com LIBRARY - Technical Services Librarian Y 302 5033 4P
Brett Buckwalter bbuckwalter@regaloteas.com MILLER CENTER - Technical Coordinator MC PM 5205 33
Brian Keeny bdkeeny@regaloteas.com BUSINESS DIVISION - Adjunct Faculty B 311 4176 30
Brian Schell bschell@regaloteas.com BUSINESS DIVISION - Dean Y103 5092 56
Brian Savage bsavage@regaloteas.com BUSINESS DIVISION - Adjunct Faculty B 311 4190 30
Brian Schell bschell@regaloteas.com COMMUNICATIONS, ARTS AND HUMANITIES - Dean Y 103 5092 56
Bryan Rothermel brothermel@regaloteas.com STEM DIVISION - Adjunct Faculty B 311 4116 40
Brydie Harris bharris@regaloteas.com SOCIAL SCIENCES/HUMAN SERVICES - Adjunct Faculty B 311 4135 40